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Communication Barriers

One of the most prominent barriers for people who have Angelman syndrome is their lack of speech resulting in the inability to clearly communicate needs, wants, feelings and opinions.


As non-speakers, without any communication support, they are unable to enjoy the general everyday conversations that typical speakers take so for granted. Their lives inevitably become organised by others with no opportunities for their own input.


Having no speech negatively impacts their behaviours and sense of autonomy, amplifies isolation, prevents social inclusion and prevents access to a full education.

The significant speech/language impairments seen in AS may be due to:

  • Motor problems (low tone in oral area)

  • Oral structures (protruding tongue)

  • Intellectual disability

  • Oral apraxia (difficulty with motor planning)

In summary, people with Angelman Syndrome are increasingly learning how to use AAC to communicate successfully.

  • They need a multi-modal communication system that incorporates AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

  • Comprehension is much greater than output so high expectations for learning need to be maintained.

  • Abilities and methods vary widely, so always presume competence.

  • Augmenting communication involves both speech and writing, and also technology related to teaching and learning.

  • Frustration with communication is often the reason for negative behaviour such as pulling hair, hitting, biting. This behaviour can also be an indication of some deeper underlying issue such as pain or anxiety. (Read The Crisis in Pain Control for Children who are Complex, Non-Verbal, or Cognitively Impaired - The Complex Child.)

Combining signs and/or symbols together with other AAC methods has been

shown to be very effective for many children and adults with Angelman Syndrome.


Candidates for AAC

Individuals with Angelman syndrome DO communicate naturally in their own way by employing more than one mode of communication, eg. using sounds, gestures, posturing, and eye direction. However, they are frequently misunderstood and  marginalised due to their inability to actually speak. This makes it difficult for them to build meaningful friendships or to give autonomous input into their daily live. 


Though people with AS have severe to profound communication impairments and complex communication needs, their receptive language is typically more advanced than expressive language. This makes them excellent candidates for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). 


Families need encouragement and support to learn about the new AAC visual language and should be advised to pursue formal AAC support as a priority. There are also many active groups on social media that cover topics on AAC.


Just like teaching a typical child to talk, the AAC learning & teaching process should ideally be interactive and fun for everyone. When parents/siblings/carers/ aides all regularly model (demonstrate) a multi-modal form of communication incorporating a combination of preferred gestures, signing, picture symbols and ideally a voice-output device, the child with AS will eventually pick it up.


Exposure to AAC modeling (Aided Language Stimulation) is vital to ensure the child is fully included in all family activities. Once a robust communication system is established at home it should be used everywhere, all the time. When a person with AS uses their communication device in a mainstream setting, they have a far better chance of being noticed, acknowledged and included.

Free ASL Core Board for International Angelman Day - kindly

provided by Tracey Campbell and the Angelman Academy.

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Andrew feeding donkey Feb 2021.jpg

Individuals with Angelman syndrome employ more than one mode of communication, eg. using sounds, gestures, posturing, and eye direction or eye gaze.

Free Download !  


"I have something to say" – by Tracey Campbell, ASSERT

You can download this comprehensive booklet -  by Tracey Campbell, on behalf of ASSERT. We are extremely grateful to parents in our global Angelman community who make and share such excellent resources.

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What is AAC?

"Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language." - Wikipedia

Children with Angelman syndrome vary greatly in the types of AAC they use, often employing more than one mode of communication.

What is Modeling/Aided Language Stimulation (ALS)?

ALS is the process of modeling AAC language in everyday settings.


The communication partner talks to the person while also pointing/selecting keywords on the person’s AAC system.

ALS does not rely purely on auditory processing

For more info on how to Start Modeling, click below. 


What is Assistive

Technology (AT)?

Ministry of Education

Assistive technology (AT) is specialised equipment and technology that students with additional learning needs use in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn.

This directory connects you to information regarding assistive technology. Further reading is essential for schools or specialist assessors who are considering applying for assistive technology to support their students.


Communication Strategies & Training Series for AS

NZ Sign Language (NZSL)


Makaton New Zealand/

Aotearoa (MNZ/A) 

Makaton is a communication programme based around a core vocabulary, using speech, signs and/or symbols.  

Makaton New Zealand/Aotearoa (MNZ/A) 


When signs are used with Makaton they are used in the order of spoken English to enable us to sign and speak at the same time. The symbols have been especially designed for Makaton.

In NZ News

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Nobody is ‘too anything’ at Carlson

A great article on the new AAC approach being initiated at Carlson School, in Auckland. 

“It’s here! We’ve got it!. 

iPad offers family new hope

Article on the Winther family. "…Paediatric neurologist at Starship children’s hospital Rakesh Patel says it’s important to encourage non-verbal forms of communication including hand and facial gestures, computer programmes and photographic mediums." 

Communication MattersSpring 2015

The Angelman Network: The Right to a Voice: pg 4 - 5, Communication Matters, Spring 2015

New Zealand Speech-language Therapists' Association

In this issue, our featured organisation is The Angelman Network. Ursula Cranmer talks about the Angelman Literacy Project, barriers faced in New Zealand by people with Angelman Syndrome and those who support them, and how research and resources can help remove these barriers.


Social media platforms are used to:

  • Connect families around the world

  • Raise global awareness for Angelman syndrome/all rare conditions

  • Share new research information

  • Encourage open discussion forums for new therapeutics

  • Gather general & specific data and information

  • Advocate for treatments

  • Fundraise effectively

  • Help find participants for trials

          and much more….

See Social Media

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The Angelman Network is a

Registered Charitable Trust based in New Zealand


Disclaimer: Links to other Internet sites are for the convenience of all web-users. The Angelman Network is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites and we do not endorse, warrant or guarantee any products, services or information that may be offered at these sites. Always contact your own medical practitioner for any medical advice.

©2025 The Angelman Network

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